TJ-II: Investigation of Pellet Deposition Profiles and Transports in TJ-II using Integrated Predictive Modelling Codes

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Experimental campaign

2019 Autumn

Proposal title

TJ-II: Investigation of Pellet Deposition Profiles and Transports in TJ-II using Integrated Predictive Modelling Codese

Name and affiliation of proponent

Prof. Dr. Boonyarit Chatthong, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Details of contact person at LNF

Kieran J McCarthy

Description of the activity

Thai scientists and government have a keen interest in the fusion research and personnel development in such area. Although the number of the fusion researchers in the country is limited, we established a research network “Center for Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Technology” (CPaF) consisting of Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT), national research institutes, and approximately 20 universities around the country. Our aims are to promote fusion research collaboration, develop fusion program for Thailand and train the next generation of fusion scientists. We also collaborate with international research community for helping on training and developing infra-structure for the fusion research. Recently, Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP) has donated us a toroidal chamber of HT-6M tokamak. In the coming two to three years, several important sub-systems of the tokamak such as diagnostic system, vacuum system, data acquisition system will be developed, assembled, and tested in China before being transported to Thailand. After that, other parts such as those for wave heating and pellet injection will be developed and installed by Thai researchers. In preparation for that, we and other CPaF colleagues in a theory group use integrated predictive modelling codes to predict and analyse the performance and behaviour of Thailand Tokamak plasma.

The main simulation codes that we presently work on consists of: 1) BALDUR code, developed in Lehigh University, USA. 2) CRONOS code, developed in CEA, Cadarache, France by our colleagues J.F. Artaud et al. 3) TASK code, developed in Kyoto University by our colleagues A. Fukuyama et al.

We have long experiences using this code to study plasma under various conditions, i.e. ITB, H-mode and L-mode. Furthermore, these codes are used to compare with experimental results of several tokamaks such as JET, Tore Supra, ISSTOK, and predict the plasma profile for the future devices, i.e. ITER, DEMOs.

For TJ-II, we will use our experiences in the integrated simulation and use our simulation codes to: - predict plasma temperature and density under various conditions (with/without external heating) and compare with measurements and to study the transport properties - study the pellet deposition profiles, penetration depth and its effect on the plasma under various conditions of pellet such as different injection pellet's size, injection speed and angle, and launching angle, by coupling the pellet modules (NGS and HPI2) to the integrated predictive modelling codes. The plasma transport with the effect of the pellet injection will then be analyzed.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

International or National funding project or entity

IAEA Joint Experiment, IAEA Agreement No. 22766/R0 concerning Research Project: “Fusion Physics and Technology Studies at the TJ-II Stellarator”, part of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project 'F13019' entitled ‘Network of Small and Medium Size Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices for Fusion Research’

Description of required resources

Required resources:

  • Number of plasma discharges or days of operation: 1 -2 days
  • Essential diagnostic systems: Pellet Injection systems, Thomson Scattering, ECE, microwave interferometer,
  • Type of plasmas (heating configuration): ECRH & NBI
  • Specific requirements on wall conditioning if any:
  • External users: need a local computer account for data access: yes
  • Any external equipment to be integrated? Provide description and integration needs: No

Preferred dates and degree of flexibility

Preferred dates: (31-04-2020 to 02-04-2020)


  1. J. Promping, A. Wisitsorasak, S. Sangaroon, B. Chatthong, R. Picha and A. Fukuyama “Predictions of Plasma Behavior Due to Pellet Injection for Future Thailand Tokamak”, accepted to Plasma and Fusion Research
  2. B. Chatthong and J. Promping “Performance Comparison of ITER and DEMOs Plasmas using CRONOS Simulations”, accepted to Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol
  3. Y. S. Na, F. Koechl, A. R Polevoi, C.S. Byun, D. Na, Jaemin Seo, F. Felici, A. Fukuyama, J. Garcia, N. Hayashi, C. E. Kessel, T. C. Luce, J. M. Park, F. M. Poli, O. Sauter, G. Sips, P. Strand, A. Teplukhina, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Wisitsorasak, X. Yuan, “On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER,” Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019), 076026.
  4. S. Buaruk, T. Makmool, J. Promping, T. Onjun, S. Sangaroon, A. Wisitsorasak, J. Garcia and B. Chatthong “Comparisons of the Plasma Performance of Future Thailand Tokamak using Various External Heating Schemes”, Plasma and Fusion Research , 14 (2019) 3403153
  5. J. Promping, S. Sangaroon, A. Wisitsorasak, B. Chatthong, R. Picha and T. Onjun “Plasma Scenario Study for HT-6M Tokamak using BALDUR Integrated Predictive Modeling Code”, Plasma and Fusion Research, 13 (2018) 3403094
  6. R. Kongkurd, A. Wisitsorasak, “Pellet Injection in ITER with ∇B-induced Drift Effect using TASK/TR and HPI2 Codes,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 901 (2017) 012137
  7. P. Klaywittaphat and T. Onjun “Transport and micro-instability analysis of JET H-mode plasma during pellet fueling”, Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017) 022008
  8. B. Chatthong, J. Promping and T. Onjun “Impurity accumulation and performance of ITER and DEMO plasmas in the presence of transport barriers”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 860 (2017) 012034
  9. P. Klaywittaphat, R. Picha and T. Onjun “Study of L-H transition triggered by pellet injection based on a power threshold model”, Plasma Physics Reports, 40 (2014) 790-796
  10. B. Chatthong and T. Onjun. "Comparison of H-mode plasma simulations using toroidal velocity models depending on plasma current density and ion temperature in presence of an ITB", Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 36(3) (2014) 375-387
  11. Y. Pianroj, S. Jumrat, B. Chatthong and T. Onjun. "A Full Radial Electric Field Calculation for Predicting Pedestal Formation in H-mode Tokamak Plasma by using BALDUR code", Thammasat Int. J. Sc. Tech., 19(2) (2014) 63-70
  12. B. Chatthong and T. Onjun. "Simulations of ITER with the Presence of ITB using NTV Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation Model", Nuclear Fusion 53 1 (2013) 013007
  13. P. Klaywittaphat and T. Onjun “Scaling of the Density Peak with Pellet Injection in ITER”, Plasma Science and Technology, 14 (2012) 1035
  14. P. Klaywittaphat and T. Onjun “Simulations of plasma behavior during pellet injection in ITER”, Plasma Physics Reports, 38 (2012) 496-502
  15. A. Wisitsorasak, T. Onjun. "Impacts of pellets injected from the low-field side on plasma in ITER", Plasma Physics Reports, 37 (2011) 1 - 18
  16. B. Chatthong, T. Onjun, and W. Singhsomroje. "Model for toroidal velocity in H-mode plasmas in the presence of internal transport barriers", Nuclear Fusion 50 (2010) 064009

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