LNF: Exploration of novel (anti) corrosion and permeation barriers (EXCORPION)

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LNF - Nationally funded project

Title: Exploration of novel (anti) corrosion and permeation barriers (EXCORPION)

Reference: PID2022-141926OA-I00

Programme and date: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento, convocatoria 2022

Programme type (Modalidad de proyecto): Tipo A

Area/subarea (Área temática / subárea): Energía y transporte/Energía

Principal Investigator(s): Elisabetta Carella [1] [2] and Marta Malo [3]

Project type: Proyecto individual

Start-end dates: 01/09/2023 - 01/09/2026

Financing granted (direct costs): 90000 €


Description of the project

United Nations (UN) has declared a State of Climate Emergency until carbon neutrality has been reached worldwide. EU has assumed a leading position in decarbonization, going for a climate-neutral Europe in 2050. Much of this energy is still produced from burning fossil fuels on a massive scale.

The international effort on the development of alternative energy systems, see the CIEMAT involved with different innovative projects. The development of new materials is a key question in different areas. An urgent need for developing advanced multi-functional coatings that can provide protection against corrosion, gas permeation and/or provide determined features to structural and functional base materials has been identified for multiple technological applications. For example, a suitable protective layer for structural steels to minimize tritium permeation and corrosive effects of the PbLi is fundamental for the development of some key fusion reactor components. High reflectivity and electrical conductivity coatings are required for the new generati on of solar cells. Low permeability is expected for the development of hydrogen storage methods. Corrosion protection against molten salts is required for applications under nuclear fission conditions , but also a protection of the structural material from hydrogen embrittlement due to permeation.

The global objective of the project is to promote the development of coating technologies for applications in the Energy sector. Complex multifunctional coatings are key pieces for the consecution of sustainable and safe new energy sources and must fulfil slightly different requirements depending on the specific working area. Due to the extreme expected operational conditions, the most restrictive demands are imposed for use in Fusion devices. In particular, suitable chemical composition in order to reduce neutron activation and hence minimize radioactive waste is critical for the design of future fusion plants. This consideration will serve as a starting point for the selection of the candidate compositions for the design and fabrication stage, together with the current existing background. Cascade validation of the fabricated coatings is proposed from a lesser to a greater level of specificity. This way, even though not every single requirement is met for (all) of the examined coatings, their potential use in different disciplines will be considered depending on the satisfied properties. EXCORPION will study the above new materials solutions in terms of

  1. compatibility with different corrosive materials
  2. hydrogen isotopes permeation reduction
  3. radiation tolerance by dedicated gamma and ion irradiation experiments
  4. validation to a system level and scale-up to welding and newgeometries.

The proposal of this transversal project between various research groups highlights the need for synergies to obtain new materials capable of meeting all the extreme conditions to which they are subjected and improving the efficiency of these alternative sources for energy production, with the ultimate goal of being a real alternative to fossil fuels.


  1. M. Malo, A. Moroño and E. R. Hodgson, In situ luminescence qualifications of radiation damage in aluminas: F aggregation and Al colloids, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 2179-2183.
  2. M. Malo, A. Moroño, and E.R. Hodgson, “Radioluminescence characterization of SiC and SiC/SiC”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) s404-s409.
  3. M. Carmona Gázquez, S. Bassini, T. Hernández and M. Utili “Al2O3 Coating as Barrier against corrosion in Pb-17Li” Fusion Engineering and Design Vol. 124, (2017) 837-840.
  4. P. Muñoz, et. al, “Radiation effects on deuterium permeation for PLD alumina coated Eurofer steel measured during 1.8 MeV electron irradiation” Journal of Nuclear Materials 512 (2018) 118 – 125
  5. T.Hernández, et al., “Corrosion protective action of different coatings for the helium cooled pebble breeder concept” Journal of Nuclear Materials 516 (2019) 160-168.
  6. T. Hernández, et al., “Corrosion behavior of diverse sputtered coatings for the helium cooled pebbles bed (HCPB) breeder concept” Nuclear Materials and Energy, 25 (2020) 100795.
  7. A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson and M. Malo, “Radiation enhanced deuterium absorption for Al2O3 and macor ceramic”, Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013) 2488-2491.
  8. T. Hernández, et al., “Study of deuterium permeation, retention, and desorption in SiC coatings submitted to relevant conditions for breeder blanket applications: thermal cycling effect under electron irradiation and oxygen exposure” Journal of Nuclear Materials 557 (2021) 153219
  9. Gonzalez-Arrabal, R., Rivera, A., & Perlado, J. M. (2020). “Limitations for tungsten as plasma facing material in the diverse scenarios of the European inertial confinement fusion facility HiPER: Current status and new approaches” Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 5(5), 055201.
  10. Panizo-Laiz, et al., (2019). “Experimental and computational studies of the influence of grain boundaries and temperature on the radiation-induced damage and hydrogen behavior in tungsten” Nuclear Fusion, 59(8).
  11. C. Abed, et al., “Processing and Study of Optical and Electrical Properties of (Mg, Al) Co-Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering for Photovoltaic Application” Materials 13 (2020) 2146-2158.
  12. S. Fernández, et al.”Non-treated low temperature indium tin oxide fabricated in oxygen-free environment to low-cost silicon-based solar technology” Vacuum 184 (2021) 109783.
  13. S. Fernández, et al.,”Sputtered non-hydrogenated amorphous silicon as alternative absorber for silicon photovoltaic technology” Materials (2021), 14, 6550.
  14. S. Fernández, et al., “Roles of low temperature sputtered indium tin oxide for solar photovoltaic technology” Materials (2021), 14, Issue 24, 7758.
  15. S. Suárez, et al., Parameters to be considered for the development highly photoactive TiO2 layers on aluminium substrates by magnetron sputtering. Catalysis Today (In press).
  16. E. Carella, D. Rapisarda, S.Lenk. “Design of the CIEMAT Corrosion Loop for Liquid Metal Experiments” Applied Sciences, 12 (2022), 3104.
  17. E. Carella, C. Moreno, F. R. Urgorri, D. Rapisarda, A. Ibarra “Tritium modeling in HCPB breeder blanket at a system level” Fusion Engineering and Design, 124 (2017) 687-691.
  18. E. Carella, M. Gonzalez, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal “D-depth profiling in as-implanted and annealed Li-based Breeder Blanket ceramics” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 438, Issues 1–3 (2013) 193-198.


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